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How To Convert Video To 3GP Mobile Phone Format

From: Ed Zivkovic

How to quickly and easily convert your digital video files to the mobile phone 3gp format.


Ever wondered how to convert video to 3gp mobile phone format?

The mobile phone 3gp video format is a high quality video file which is ultra compressed into a very small size which makes it handy to view in mobile devices.

Product developers should be getting their heads around this because many websites these days are being made especially to be viewed by mobile devices. Therefore, there is no future in offering regular videos to people who are viewing your website from a mobile device - It must be in 3gp format.

The Problem

The problem for a long time has been that you needed to find a specific 3gp converter for each video file type. What this means is that it can get costly if you have several different video file types to convert because you would need to purchase several different programs to convert each file type.

Convert Any Video To 3GP

Thankfully these days there are many software companies creating solutions which can convert most file types to 3gp from a single inexpensive software application.

The good part is that you can try out the 3GP converters before you buy them. They are available for both Windows and Mac machines and are cheap because there is a lot of developers competing in this marketplace.

Different Types Of 3GP Converters

There are many types of 3GP converters for both Windows and Mac machines, but there are three main ones which are most popular:
  • The general video to 3GP converter which converts all file types to 3GP.
  • The DVD to 3GP converter.
  • The file-type specific 3GP converter.

There are also converters which can convert your 3GP videos into other formats for regular use, but these do not seem to be in great demand at this time.

Other popular converters emerging into the marketplace are YouTube to 3GP converters to cater for the growing demand of people wanting to watch YouTube videos on their mobile device.


Some people can get by with a bottom of the range converter, while others will require an entire 3GP software suite. The best way to know if a 3GP converter is right for you is to download some trial versions and try them out.

Trial version 3GP converters are available from who have a growing list of converters from many different software developers.

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