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Gary Halbert Letters
Gary Halbert...
OG Image Size
What is the best size for OG images According to Facebo
How to Create an eBookBest file... Gary Halbert LettersGary Halbert... OG Image SizeWhat is the best size for OG images According to Facebo |
What Keywords Do People Search For?Discover what people are actually typing into their search engineIf you are your own SEO or want to be, you're probably wandering what people search for on the internet. What words and phrases are they actually typing into the search engine?If you have read a few articles about SEO, you already know how important it is to target specific keywords and phrases and include them in certain parts of your webpages. But what exactly are people searching for? It is important to know the exact keywords and phrases in order to optimize your web pages for maximum ranking. Also, it is important to know what people search for so that you can target customers effectively with your Pay-Per-Click campaign. There is no use in stuffing keywords into your text and hoping that the search engines will rank you higher based on single keywords. In fact, there is a lot more work involved in order to get higher search engine rankings. Smart marketers today know that laser sharp targeting is necessary in order to get the specific type of visitors to their website that will make a purchase. Free Keyword ToolsGoogle Keyword ToolThe Google Keyword Tool is an excellent Free application which allows you to research local and World Wide keywords and phrases. The Google Keyword Tool also reveals how much you can expect to pay per click for your chosen keywords and phrases.Market SamuraiMarket Samurai is another excellent Free keyword tool which contains the same data as the Google Keyword Tool, plus lots of extra data such as the ability to determine if I am targeting the right keyword phrase. By using the Phrase To Broad feature, I can determine if in fact I am targeting the right keywords. More info about this important Phrase To Broad feature.
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