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How To Contact Ed Zivkovic

From: Ed Zivkovic

Contact Information

Site Administrator/Webmaster: Ed Zivkovic
Postal: P.O. Box 5, Beenleigh, Queensland 4207 Australia
Phone within Australia: 0438 189 818
International Callers: +61-4-38 189 818

Web Sites without contact info will be ignored.

Form Disabled

Due to the large number of automated spam submissions, the contact form has been disabled.

What Is Auto Commenting Software?

Auto commenting software is used to spam websites with links. The idea is supposed to be a red-hot SEO Tool. (More like SEO Fool). It is sold to newbies who don't know any better. It is used and recommended by many professional marketers who know that this strategy is Black Hat SEO and could ruin your reputation. More great advice from your favorite guru!

Before buying this crap, use your brains to do some thinking for yourself.

Stay Informed!