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Compress Images No Quality Loss

From: Ed Zivkovic

Why is image compression important?

Image compression is important for webmasters who want to create faster loading web pages which in turn will save a lot of bandwidth.

Image compression is important for people who attach photos to emails which will send the email more quickly, save on bandwidth costs and not make the recipient of the email angry.

You see, sending large email attachments without permission can be considered as offensive.

Sending large email attachments can make some people very upset because the email takes a long time to download and it uses up their precious bandwidth.

I have been compressing my photos for several years now for those two reasons.

Compressing images is also very useful when creating a CD SlideShow in order to speed up photo loading time and reduce computer strain.

How To Compress Digital Photos

Using image compression software to compress and/or re-size images is a much cheaper alternative to buying expensive image editors such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro which have many features most of us never use because they have a very steep learning curve.

Below is an example of two identical photos. One has been compressed and the other has not. The photos look the same. The only difference is that the photo on the right loaded much quicker because it has been compressed.

Before - 32.7 KB (33,524 bytes)
After - 7.19 KB (7,366 bytes)

I have re-sized digital images from 1.5 MB down to under 100 KB and they still look great.

Compress and Mail Photos

Usually, these programs are used by webmasters to compress their images so that their web pages load much faster. However, these programs can also be used by anybody who wants to compress and mail photos.

Simply open a photo with your image editing software and compress it. In most cases, the software will allow you to compare the compressed photo with the uncompressed original. Usually, the user can select which level of compression looks best for each particular photo.

People will be impressed because the file takes a fraction of the time to download but still looks good.


    Be sure to select Save As and to select a different file name from the original. If you simply click Save, the original will be overwritten by the new compressed photo.

More About Photos

How to get a slide show on your web site with this Free PHP slide show program. Simply upload the program to your web site along with your photos and presto!

Make a slide show with your choice of mp3 music playing in the background. Using this SlideShow Freeware is the quickest and easiest way to make a photo slide show with music to share around on CD.

DVD slide show software will create stunning slide shows to watch on TV. Record your own voice as the narrator and add background music to the show.

How you can quickly and easily make an extra $500 to $5,000 a month ..
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