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Gary Halbert Letters
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OG Image Size
What is the best size for OG images According to Facebo
How to Create an eBookBest file... Gary Halbert LettersGary Halbert... OG Image SizeWhat is the best size for OG images According to Facebo |
Domain Name and Web Hosting HellDoes GoDaddy really suck? I am in the process of registering more and more domain names so it seems natural to look for the best pricing deal.
Registering multiple domain names can add up quickly, especially if you register both the and names.
I created a new directory and installed a PHP script on one of my sites. All the file permissions were set correctly and the files were uploaded in the correct format. So I edited the HTML user interfaces and tried to upload them to this new directory. For some reason I was denied access to this new directory. Permission Denied! I emailed my web host with a description of the problem and within a few hours my web host sent me an email saying that the problem has been fixed and that I can now proceed to upload into that directory. Wow! A good Web Hosting and Domain Name service is worth it's weight in Gold Who really wants unnecessary dramas with web hosting and domain name registrars? Nobody does! (except those that cannot survive one day without chaos) The peace of mind for a few extra bucks a year buys is priceless. Besides, even if I select some of the platinum (no extras to buy) web hosting deals out there, it still only costs about 10-30 bucks a week to run a business on the Internet. Imagine that, for a few extra bucks, I need not worry about: Content Management Software, web design, domain name registrations, expensive keyword research and SEO tools, search engine rankings, and the list goes on and adds up *real* quick. Compare this to a regular bricks and mortar business where you pay thousands a month in rental fees just for a bit of floor space. Sometimes it pays to do the sums. It might *appear* to cost more money at first, but does it really cost more after you calculate the out-going dollars over the whole year? When I was in the process of building my first web site, I would not have had the capacity to answer that question because I had no experience. But you know that old saying:
Conclusion When we go looking to buy a car or a house, we do not base our decision on price alone. Otherwise we would all be driving around in smokey old $200 bombs. We look for features which we then translate in some way to benefits. So why waste time looking for cheap-as-chips deals for the very important job of setting up an Online Business? We would do much better to look beyond price when buying services on the Internet.
How you can quickly and easily make an extra $500 to $5,000 a month ..
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